Optimus – Non Stop

Direction, 2013
     Optimus is a portuguese mobile phone company linked to Orange and one of the largest advertisers in our neighboring country. Through its agency, Euro RSCG Lisbon, we were commissioned to create its latest campaign to promote a package deal for mobile phones, combining voice, Internet, emails and video games. Targeted to a young audience, the campaign consists of three 30″ pieces whose hero is a cartoon character, named Hugo, that moves through different landscapes and sceneries, day and night, without being disconnected from the world thanks to his mobile.
Client Optimus
Agency Euro RSCG Lisboa
Production Company boolab
Executive Producer Coke Ferreiro
Producer Bárbara Sáenz de Buruaga
Director Diogo Kalil
Post Producer Diego Cárcoba
3D Oriol Mayolas and Marco Rossi
Animation Pere Hernandez
Javi Vaquero
Roc Espinet.
Clean Up Juan Buscaron/br> María Pia/br> Joel Morales
Josh Checa
Terlina Lie
Compositing Guillem Bayo
Music Shout Out Louds,
Tonight I have to leave it
Sound Effects Pep Aguiló – Idea Sonora